Net wt. 4.2 oz/120g

Cotopaxi volcano in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. This province of Ecuador is where our Golden berries are cultivated, very near our factory where we produced and pack all of our products.

Ecuador on the world map.
Golden Berries also known as Cape Gooseberries, Uvillas, or Peruvian Ground Cherries are a Superfood that for centuries have been cultivated in South America. This tiny fruit boasts a long list of benefits; they are full of antioxidants and contain a natural steroid that reduces inflammation. Golden Berries are loaded with compounds that slow the body’s processing of simple sugars. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, K along with Iron and Phosphorus add to the benefits of this little orange superfood.
These berries are cultivated in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador, in the province of Pichincha very near our factory where we produce and pack all our products.
Perfect for mixing into granolas, baked goods, trail mix, smoothies and more.
Net wt. 4.2 oz/120g
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